Monday, July 6, 2009

Review of the Week: Public Enemies

The highly anticipated film from Michael Mann about notorious bank robber, John Dillinger, is sure to not disappoint. Going into this film, I had read my fair share of criticism's, but Public Enemies is highly entertaining and will hold your attention throughout the 2 1/2 hour run-time.

The stand-out portion's of this film come in the shootout's. While there seems to be one every five or so minutes, each one is captivating in it's own way. However, the best shootout of the film comes when Dillinger and his men escape to one of their hideout's in the woods. Shot with HD hand-held camera's, Mann gives us a sense of how brutally intense these shootout's must have been.

I would be a piss-poor reviewer if I did not mention the acting. While Bale and Cotillard provide a solid supporting cast, Depp shines in one of his best performances ever. Depp makes you believe that in a past life, he really was John Dillinger.

Public Enemies is a great film, and with the Academy Awards making the Best Picture category 10 films deep, you can be sure you'll see it on the list come Oscar time.

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