Wednesday, July 8, 2009

DVD Review: Donkey Punch

I have to admit, the title drew me to this film. I'm not going to explain the joke but, if you've heard it you would probably be drawn to this film as well.

Donkey Punch follows three English girls bar-hopping in Spain. They then meet up with some English guys that take them to their yacht. After a crazy sex-act goes wrong, the horror game begins.

With a disaster plot, a no-name cast, and a no-name director, you would think this film would blow. It's actually semi decent. The acting is mediocre at best, but the way the film flows actually made it pretty interesting. It's not going to win any awards, but if you're looking for an intense movie, Donkey Punch might not actually be a bad choice. My biggest problem with this film was understanding the actors. Normally, I have a very easy time understanding the English accent (especially in films), but this film was almost impossible. I had the volume up very high and could still barely understanding what they were saying.

Bottom line, give Donkey Punch a shot and you might enjoy it (the movie, not the sex-act).

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